With so many gift ideas out there, what is it that makes gift baskets the best gift? Is it the surprise element, or the thought of all the beautiful gifts the basket contains? Perhaps it is a mixture of both.
Speaking to a landscaper the other day, he was telling me that his wife did a gift basket for him last Christmas and filled it with tons of tasty treats. He told me this was the best gift he had ever received and would be very happy to receive gift baskets again in the future.
I made gift baskets for my grandchildren last Christmas, and was filled with a little bit of trepidation that perhaps they would not like their gift. I need not have worried. Of course my grandchildren know all about gift baskets, but they were so excited at receiving one themselves that all of their other gifts were forgotten. So much so that their mother had to take the gift baskets off them for a while to get them to open up their other Christmas presents. They did with this haste and once they had thanked everyone for their gifts, begged to have their gift baskets back again.
So yes gift baskets really do make the best gifts. It does not matter whether the basket is given to a woman, man or even children, they are loved by all, and the gift that seems to keep giving, long after the other gifts have been opened. And certainly the gift that puts the biggest smile on the faces of both the giver and receiver of the gift.
Next time you are looking for that perfect gift, give a gift basket, your will be pleasantly surprised at how well they are received.
Our top gift ideas, includes gift baskets from our own range as well as some amazing gift ideas from very talented UK crafters and gifts supplied by small businesses. If you have ever been stuck for gift ideas, this collection of blogposts is a must read.
Monday, 2 June 2014
Monday, 26 May 2014
Gift Solution Specialists
We are always telling you how great gift basket are. Perfect for any occasion and for any interest, gender age etc... However there are times where a gift basket just will not do it for whatever reason. Perhaps you gave a gift basket last month as an anniversary gift and now it is the recipients birthday, you may not want to send another gift basket so soon after the last one.

So with this in mind we have scoured the best places to come up with solutions and with additional training we are now much more than gift basket designers we are gift solution specialists.
So no matter what you are looking for, whether it be a great gift basket, novelty chocolates, flowers or personalised items, we have a solution for you. Come and check us out, with over 150 various products, you won't be disappointed.

For these and so much more please visit our website World of Hampers Plus do not forget that we love to create individual gift baskets, specific to the recipients tastes. If you would like us to create you a gorgeous custom basket, drop us a line using the contact form on our website. Let us know what you would like, who the gift is for, and your budget and we will work closely with you to come up with a gift that would be perfect.
Monday, 21 April 2014
What To Look For When Choosing A Gift Basket
With so many gift basket suppliers out there, you may be wondering how you go about choosing the best supplier for your gift basket needs. We have complied a few tips to help you along the way, from choosing gift basket designs right through to how the gift basket is put together and packaged.
Making the right choice.
Nobody can tell you which is the right choice to make and only you know what the gift recipient would like. With this in mind ask the gift basket supplier if they are happy to make up a gift basket for you to include items the recipient would love to receive. Most suppliers are happy to accommodate you on this and will ask a series of questions as to the recipients likes and dislikes. They should also ask for your budget so they can work within this.
Will the products move within the gift basket during delivery process?
Ensure that the products will not move within the basket while being transported. Although the basket may look beautiful in photos, how will you know that it will arrive with the recipient in the same condition. Well you could ask the gift basket supplier how they stabilise the products in the gift basket along with questions about packaging. You can normally determine this without asking the question though.
This gift basket has been tightly wrapped and a shrink wrap film has been used. Once the designer has shrunk the wrap the contents of this basket will not move anywhere. The basket has also been filled with shred and you can clearly see that the base of the products has been snugly fitted into the shred. This basket has had the shake test as well has been turned upside down and shook, and nothing has moved. The products in this gift basket will not move while in transit and the recipient of the gift will receive the gift basket in the same condition as photographed.
The basket no longer resembles the basket you originally purchased with products all jumbled up, although from this shot you cannot see exactly what has happened inside the basket let's take a closer look
Making the right choice.
Nobody can tell you which is the right choice to make and only you know what the gift recipient would like. With this in mind ask the gift basket supplier if they are happy to make up a gift basket for you to include items the recipient would love to receive. Most suppliers are happy to accommodate you on this and will ask a series of questions as to the recipients likes and dislikes. They should also ask for your budget so they can work within this.
Will the products move within the gift basket during delivery process?
Ensure that the products will not move within the basket while being transported. Although the basket may look beautiful in photos, how will you know that it will arrive with the recipient in the same condition. Well you could ask the gift basket supplier how they stabilise the products in the gift basket along with questions about packaging. You can normally determine this without asking the question though.
- Have a good look at the photo, if the gift basket is already wrapped n cellophane, you can normally determine if the products are stabilized in the gift basket. To do this first check out the cellophane wrap. Has the gift basket been wrapped tightly with all products in an upright position. Tightly wrapped gift baskets help ensure products do not move while being transported. Bear in mind though that the supplier may use shrink wrap and will shrink wrap the product prior to shipping. This is one of the best methods of wrapping gift baskets as the shrink wrap fits tightly around the products leaving no room for the products to move.
- Is there shred in the basket and are the bases of products tucked into the shred? If not and the products are just layed in the basket the likelihood is that these products will move freely while being transported which means that when the recipient receives their basket the products will have shifted and will more than likely be in a jumble and not look as appealing as they did in the photographs.
- Try and determine from looking at the photo whether you think the products would move if you were to pick the basket up and give it a shake (many gifts basket suppliers do the shake test to determine whether products will move while in transit) Remember that it does not matter how many this way up stickers or fragile labels the gift basket suppliers use, the likelihood is the courier company will not heed these and your gift basket could be placed upside down in the courier depot and van. So checking out and determining whether the products will move if shaken or turned upside down is a good way to determine the condition the gift basket will be in when it reaches its intended destination. For Example:

Now we will show you an example of a gift basket where the products have not been stabilised. And you can clearly see the difference.
This basket looks pretty enough and everything looks in place, now for the shake test.
The basket has now been through the shake test and as you can see everything has moved to the right leaving a gap in the basket on the left. Now let us assume the couriers end up turning the package upside down. Let's see what happens when turned back the right way up.
In this illustration the basket has been turned upside down and then the right way up. You can clearly see the the products have shifted and the basket now no longer looks as appealing as the lovely gift basket you saw photographed. Now we all know that if the parcel is going to get turned upside down, with all the moving of the parcel from depot to van etc. the parcel will end up a little shook up, so let us see what happens then.

You can clearly see in this shot how the products have shifted and in fact the base of the basket is just an empty cavity while the products have settled at all angles on the rim of the basket.. Would you really be happy knowing that the recipient of what you thought would be a great gift ended up with a gift basket that looked like this? I am sure you would not, but by using the above tips this can be avoided.
I see so many gift baskets made up in this way and quite frankly I cringe everytime I see them as I know what will happen when in transit which is why we at World of Hampers always use the shake test prior to sending our baskets out to ensure that the recipient of the gift basket receives it in exactly the same condition it was when photographed and despatched.
If you are unsure or cannot tell from the photograph supplied by the gift basket supplier, please ask questions. A great gift basket designer would be happy to answer them and advise as to how they secure the products in the basket ready for transportation. There are great gift basket suppliers out there, but there are also those that are under the impression that to make a gift basket you just add a few things to a basket and wrap it up with cellophane and a bow. As you can see from the above examples this is simply not the case and so much more goes into gift basket design than most realise.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
Mothers Day Gift Baskets
World of Hampers has a fantastic range of Mothers Day Gift Baskets, so we thought that we would show some of them here. We have tried to create baskets that Mums would love and make them unique as well.
This stunning birdcage has been decorated with roses and butterflies and filled with a whopping 1.5kg of Quality Street Chocolates. £51.99 plus £6.50 P&P
This lovely little wicker shopper is filled with gorgeous shower and bath products. Surprise her no matter what the occasion with this gorgeous gift basket infused with a variety of fragrances that would suit no matter her mood. Embellished with silk roses and finished with a beautiful red white and black bow. £42.99 plus £6.50 P&P
This lovely Gondola wicker basket has been filled with yummy chocolates and Comedy DVD all wrapped up and decorated with silk flowers. What more could a lady want - A good film and loads of chocolates - Heaven! £33.99 plus £6.50 P&P
This lovely little gift basket contains bath products for her including a gorgeous handmade celebration cake soap. Embellished with silk flowers and finished with a lovely bow. £29.99 Plus £5.00 P&P
This fabulous plastic popcorn bowl is filled to the brim with everything she needs for a movie night in. With popcorn, crisps, peanuts, pepsi and a movie this lovely gift is the perfect way to tell her to put her feet up and relax. £26.99 Plus £6.50 P&P
This lovely keepsake wicker effect gift box has been filled with 5 varieties of Typhoo Tea and 4 packs of shortbread fingers. Perfect gift for a tea lover. £29.99 Plus £5.00 P&P
This lovely gift basket in the form of a watering can is filled with travel products, perfect for the woman on the go. Whether given for her birthday, to say thank you or I love you or as a Mothers Day gift, she is sure to be pleased with this basket. £26.99 plus £6.50 P&P
These are just a few of the gift baskets that are available from World of Hampers. For these and more please visit our website www.worldofhampers.co.uk or our Facebook Page
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Gift Baskets vs Conventional Gifts
Like most people we all get stuck for gift ideas. It seems it does not matter how well you know somebody, when it comes to choosing a gift for them our minds go a total blank. And if not then you may be choosing gifts that the receiver would rather choose for themselves. When it comes to conventional gifts most people opt for clothing, jewellery, fragranced items or collectibles. It does not matter which one of these that you opt for, they can all bring problems of their own, and most of this is down to personal taste.
Clothing: If you buy clothing as a gift, you have to be absolutely certain of the receivers taste and size. Get the size too small, and the receiver of the gift will not be able to wear it and get it too large (well that is another matter) It could be deemed as insulting with the receiver wondering if you think they are larger than they actually are. Then there is the matter of taste. Whether you like the article of clothing or not, and whether you think the receiver would look great in it, is totally besides the point. If it is not to the receivers taste then they probably will never wear it anyway.
Jewellery: Again this is an gift item that the gift receiver may want to choose for themselves. There is such a diverse range of jewellery products on the market today, some pieces are extremely beautiful, but if they are not to the gift receivers taste, then it will probably never be worn. Besides which if somebody already has a large collection of jewellery, they may not welcome more jewellery pieces.
Fragrance: Like all other things fragranced item such as perfume is a matter of taste, but in some cases it is so much more than that. Because perfumes react with the chemicals in your body, a perfume that smells great on somebody else, may react differently to your chemicals and therefore not suit you. I have found this with a number of perfumes. They smell great in the bottle and on somebody else, but when I have used it all I get is some sickly sweet fragrance that I detest and therefore would not buy for myself. Then there are perfumes that are fantastic when I use them and not so great on somebody else. So unless you know which perfume somebody normally uses, this is one to stay away from.
Collectibles: Again collectibles and keepsake items are down to a matter of taste. Besides which most people that collect items do so out of their love of finding items which go well with their collections. I remember when I used to collect owls, everybody I knew decided it would be a good idea to get me an owl as a gift (nice and easy right). No. Just because I was collecting owls did not mean that I liked every owl I saw, besides which I soon ran out of space for my owl collection. Needless to say I soon got rid of them all and stopped collecting. When choosing a collectible or keepsake item, ensure that it is to the persons taste and that they have room for another collectible.
So how does all of this differ to gift baskets, after all are they not also to each persons taste. Yes they are, but with gift baskets you are able to decide which would be the best theme for the person you are buying for. For example if you are buying for somebody that has just moved home and you want to send them a welcome gift you could choose your theme around any part of the house. Let's say you want to buy something for their kitchen. Instead of buying larger items or clocks you could send a gift basket that contains little items that would be useful in their kitchen, For example a gift basket filled with baking products could comprise of the mixing bowl which would be used as the base or "basket" filled with an apron, a spatula, a whisk, cake or cookie mixes and cake decorations. When all of this is put together with a lovely bow to finish it off, then you have a beautiful gift to give whereby the entire gift all made up of smaller items will be used by the receiver of the gift.
Now I know that is certain cases taste still plays a big part in gift baskets, but when it comes to choosing a chocolate or sweet gift basket, there are not many who would say they do not enjoy that particular chocolate or sweet, and therefore the chocolate or sweet gift basket is sure to be enjoyed. The only thing you really need to be aware of are any allergies to nuts etc, as most chocolates contain at least traces of nuts. The same could apply for spa gift baskets I hear you say, after all they contain fragranced products. However there is a difference between fragranced bath products and perfume. As we have said perfume reacts with your body's chemicals where as for the most part this is not the case with bath products.
Gift baskets contain lots of little gifts, items that you would not normally consider buying as a gift as in the above example. You would not normally consider buying a mixing bowl, or spatula or whisk or cake mixes as a gift, however in a gift basket they work fantastically well together and you know that although you would not gift these items individually, the likelihood is when sent in the form of a beautiful gift basket, these items will make a superb gift for a new home, and be received with joy and excitement at the thought that went into their gift.
We have said this before and will say it again, unlike most other gifts, gift baskets are a joy to both give and receive and part of the magic is the opening and discovering items that cannot be seen within. Sometimes being as much of a surprise to the giver as the receiver.
So when you are next looking for a gift and are stumped for ideas, give a gift basket some serious thought, and remember that even if a gift basket company does not have exactly what you require made up, most are very happy to work closely with you to create a gift basket that will be perfect for the receiver of your gift.
For great gift basket ideas as well as some fabulous novelty chocolate gift ideas please visit our website at World of Hampers
Clothing: If you buy clothing as a gift, you have to be absolutely certain of the receivers taste and size. Get the size too small, and the receiver of the gift will not be able to wear it and get it too large (well that is another matter) It could be deemed as insulting with the receiver wondering if you think they are larger than they actually are. Then there is the matter of taste. Whether you like the article of clothing or not, and whether you think the receiver would look great in it, is totally besides the point. If it is not to the receivers taste then they probably will never wear it anyway.
Jewellery: Again this is an gift item that the gift receiver may want to choose for themselves. There is such a diverse range of jewellery products on the market today, some pieces are extremely beautiful, but if they are not to the gift receivers taste, then it will probably never be worn. Besides which if somebody already has a large collection of jewellery, they may not welcome more jewellery pieces.
Fragrance: Like all other things fragranced item such as perfume is a matter of taste, but in some cases it is so much more than that. Because perfumes react with the chemicals in your body, a perfume that smells great on somebody else, may react differently to your chemicals and therefore not suit you. I have found this with a number of perfumes. They smell great in the bottle and on somebody else, but when I have used it all I get is some sickly sweet fragrance that I detest and therefore would not buy for myself. Then there are perfumes that are fantastic when I use them and not so great on somebody else. So unless you know which perfume somebody normally uses, this is one to stay away from.
Collectibles: Again collectibles and keepsake items are down to a matter of taste. Besides which most people that collect items do so out of their love of finding items which go well with their collections. I remember when I used to collect owls, everybody I knew decided it would be a good idea to get me an owl as a gift (nice and easy right). No. Just because I was collecting owls did not mean that I liked every owl I saw, besides which I soon ran out of space for my owl collection. Needless to say I soon got rid of them all and stopped collecting. When choosing a collectible or keepsake item, ensure that it is to the persons taste and that they have room for another collectible.
So how does all of this differ to gift baskets, after all are they not also to each persons taste. Yes they are, but with gift baskets you are able to decide which would be the best theme for the person you are buying for. For example if you are buying for somebody that has just moved home and you want to send them a welcome gift you could choose your theme around any part of the house. Let's say you want to buy something for their kitchen. Instead of buying larger items or clocks you could send a gift basket that contains little items that would be useful in their kitchen, For example a gift basket filled with baking products could comprise of the mixing bowl which would be used as the base or "basket" filled with an apron, a spatula, a whisk, cake or cookie mixes and cake decorations. When all of this is put together with a lovely bow to finish it off, then you have a beautiful gift to give whereby the entire gift all made up of smaller items will be used by the receiver of the gift.
Now I know that is certain cases taste still plays a big part in gift baskets, but when it comes to choosing a chocolate or sweet gift basket, there are not many who would say they do not enjoy that particular chocolate or sweet, and therefore the chocolate or sweet gift basket is sure to be enjoyed. The only thing you really need to be aware of are any allergies to nuts etc, as most chocolates contain at least traces of nuts. The same could apply for spa gift baskets I hear you say, after all they contain fragranced products. However there is a difference between fragranced bath products and perfume. As we have said perfume reacts with your body's chemicals where as for the most part this is not the case with bath products.
Gift baskets contain lots of little gifts, items that you would not normally consider buying as a gift as in the above example. You would not normally consider buying a mixing bowl, or spatula or whisk or cake mixes as a gift, however in a gift basket they work fantastically well together and you know that although you would not gift these items individually, the likelihood is when sent in the form of a beautiful gift basket, these items will make a superb gift for a new home, and be received with joy and excitement at the thought that went into their gift.
We have said this before and will say it again, unlike most other gifts, gift baskets are a joy to both give and receive and part of the magic is the opening and discovering items that cannot be seen within. Sometimes being as much of a surprise to the giver as the receiver.
So when you are next looking for a gift and are stumped for ideas, give a gift basket some serious thought, and remember that even if a gift basket company does not have exactly what you require made up, most are very happy to work closely with you to create a gift basket that will be perfect for the receiver of your gift.
For great gift basket ideas as well as some fabulous novelty chocolate gift ideas please visit our website at World of Hampers
basket gifts,
gift baskets,
gift hampers,
hamper gifts
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Gift Giving Gaffes You Can Easily Avoid
Gift giving can be quite an art and boils down to more than just choosing your gift. Choosing the perfect gift is of course one of the most important factors, but how many of these mistakes have you made, and how could you have avoided them?
Your good intentions gift could be resented if you opt to purchase a months membership to Weight Watchers or the gym for an overweight person. Unless they have specifically said that they would like to join, they could end up resenting your gift as a result. Avoid buying good intentions gifts. Unless you are really close, even if they have expressed an interest in joining a gym or losing weight, they may not appreciate your thoughts on this.
Although purchasing an art or collectible gift for a collector may seem like a good idea, unless you are absolutely sure of their tastes this could be dodgy. Besides which people that collect certain items do so out of the enjoyment they get of choosing those items themselves. I went through a stage where I loved owls and elephants and most people thought that adding to my collection would be a great gift idea. With all of their good intentions I ended up with a huge collection that I did not want and some were quite honestly ghastly, but rather than offend, I ended up adding them to my collection. In the end I got rid of my collections, all bar a few select pieces, and now never tell anybody that I collect certains items.
Gadgets seem to be the gift of choice when you are not sure what to get. Most of these are just that gadgets, they will probably never be used once the initial novelty wears off and end up in the bottom of the drawer somewhere or even in the bin.
Regifting seems to be quite popular amongst some, however unless you know what you are doing this can be an absolute minefield. You need to have an exceptional memory if you are going to regift. It is not just a case of remembering who gave you the gift initially but who saw you open it. I am sure if you regift to somebody that saw you open the gift initially, they are going to feel a little put out and feel that you could not have been bothered to put some thought into their gift and opted to pass your unwanted gift to them instead.
There are a lot who purchase gifts throughout the year, and try and match the gift to the person as the season rolls in. Although the concept is good, you may end up with loads of gifts that do not match the personality or tastes of the receiver. These end up being thoughtless gift, such as giving a box of chocolates to a diabetic, or a rock and roll CD to somebody who likes opera. If you are going to buy your gifts this way, try and match the gift to the recipient at the point of purchase rather than as the season rolls in.
If all else fails opt for a gift basket. Not only do these make great fun gifts for any occasion, they can be tailored to suit and individuals taste. Please visit World of Hampers for ideas on great gifts for any occasion.
Your good intentions gift could be resented if you opt to purchase a months membership to Weight Watchers or the gym for an overweight person. Unless they have specifically said that they would like to join, they could end up resenting your gift as a result. Avoid buying good intentions gifts. Unless you are really close, even if they have expressed an interest in joining a gym or losing weight, they may not appreciate your thoughts on this.
Although purchasing an art or collectible gift for a collector may seem like a good idea, unless you are absolutely sure of their tastes this could be dodgy. Besides which people that collect certain items do so out of the enjoyment they get of choosing those items themselves. I went through a stage where I loved owls and elephants and most people thought that adding to my collection would be a great gift idea. With all of their good intentions I ended up with a huge collection that I did not want and some were quite honestly ghastly, but rather than offend, I ended up adding them to my collection. In the end I got rid of my collections, all bar a few select pieces, and now never tell anybody that I collect certains items.
Gadgets seem to be the gift of choice when you are not sure what to get. Most of these are just that gadgets, they will probably never be used once the initial novelty wears off and end up in the bottom of the drawer somewhere or even in the bin.
Regifting seems to be quite popular amongst some, however unless you know what you are doing this can be an absolute minefield. You need to have an exceptional memory if you are going to regift. It is not just a case of remembering who gave you the gift initially but who saw you open it. I am sure if you regift to somebody that saw you open the gift initially, they are going to feel a little put out and feel that you could not have been bothered to put some thought into their gift and opted to pass your unwanted gift to them instead.
There are a lot who purchase gifts throughout the year, and try and match the gift to the person as the season rolls in. Although the concept is good, you may end up with loads of gifts that do not match the personality or tastes of the receiver. These end up being thoughtless gift, such as giving a box of chocolates to a diabetic, or a rock and roll CD to somebody who likes opera. If you are going to buy your gifts this way, try and match the gift to the recipient at the point of purchase rather than as the season rolls in.
If all else fails opt for a gift basket. Not only do these make great fun gifts for any occasion, they can be tailored to suit and individuals taste. Please visit World of Hampers for ideas on great gifts for any occasion.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Why Your Business Needs Gift Baskets
Promotional gift baskets are great
if you own your own company or small business. If you are a
small business owner and understand the term "brand marketing",
then you know that using incentives in your business can help
increase repeat customers and brand awareness.
Promotional gift baskets are a clever way to attract new clients as well. Many businesses offer free consultations with potential clients. This is the perfect time to present your prospect with a special gift. They will be surprised, and the gift will make them feel special. They will also recognize the fact that your business and clients are important to you, which will build an element of trust.
Many businesses give out promotional items to their customers. Some of the most common are ink pens and calendars. What does this imply? That their business is just average, like any other business. Promotional gift baskets give the impression that your business is anything but ordinary.
Corporations need gift baskets because gift giving should be a part of an ongoing marketing strategy. Good will should not be shown only on holidays and occasions. Buying gift baskets also revolves around these popular themes:
Promotional gift baskets are a clever way to attract new clients as well. Many businesses offer free consultations with potential clients. This is the perfect time to present your prospect with a special gift. They will be surprised, and the gift will make them feel special. They will also recognize the fact that your business and clients are important to you, which will build an element of trust.
Many businesses give out promotional items to their customers. Some of the most common are ink pens and calendars. What does this imply? That their business is just average, like any other business. Promotional gift baskets give the impression that your business is anything but ordinary.
Corporations need gift baskets because gift giving should be a part of an ongoing marketing strategy. Good will should not be shown only on holidays and occasions. Buying gift baskets also revolves around these popular themes:
- Thank You - After completing a large sale or deal, say thank you with a gift basket.
- Appreciation - Send the prospect a gift basket as a token of your appreciation for taking the time to meet with you.
- Apology - Throughout your business life, mix-ups and other mistakes will arise, express your regret with an apology gift basket.
- Happy Birthday - A birthday gift basket is an effective way to stay in touch with those that have made a purchase. Particularly clients that give you a lot of business.
- Administrative Professionals - Acknowledge your PA, Administrative Assistant, and other support staff with a gift basket for their contribution in the work place.
- Congratulations - Give a gift basket to a client after a large purchase or job promotion.
- Happy New Year - Make your business stand out in a grand way by sending a New Year's basket at the beginning of the year instead of a Happy Holidays gift at Christmas
- Condolences - A condolence gift basket will show sympathy and support to your client after bad news has been received.
- Employee of the Month - To boost on the job enthusiasm, to say job well done and to bolster team work, give a gift basket as an employee reward.
- Milestones - Celebrate a co-workers retirement with a gourmet gift basket. Other milestones include exceeding sales goals as well as anniversaries.
For more information on how World of Hampers can
help you with promotional gift baskets please contact us through our website below, with your requirements as well as your
budget, and we will get back to you with a no obligation quote
and recommendations for your promotional gift basket.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Are You Struggling To Find Great Gift Ideas?
Many people struggle when it comes to finding the perfect gift. It does not matter how well your know somebody, we all choose and buy gifts with a little trepidation. Will they like it? Is it to their taste? Has somebody else bought them the same gift?
One way to ensure that you do no duplicate your gift giving efforts is to give a gift basket. These are fun gifts to both give and receive, and with so much choice the likelihood that they will receive the same gift from somebody else is very slim.
Gift baskets also make great gifts because generally you can ask most suppliers to create a basket that include all the goodies the recipient will love. World of Hampers creates beautiful gift baskets and is happy to work closely with their customers to create a basket that will not only impress the recipient, but amaze them as well.
World of Hampers has recently collaborated with a supplier, which means that they can not only bring you a choice of their very own beautiful signature gift baskets, but offer you a wider variety by partnering with one of their suppliers. Currently World of Hampers has a range of over 100 gift baskets and gifts covering just about any occasion.
World of Hampers signature gift baskets include but are not limited to the following:
One way to ensure that you do no duplicate your gift giving efforts is to give a gift basket. These are fun gifts to both give and receive, and with so much choice the likelihood that they will receive the same gift from somebody else is very slim.
Gift baskets also make great gifts because generally you can ask most suppliers to create a basket that include all the goodies the recipient will love. World of Hampers creates beautiful gift baskets and is happy to work closely with their customers to create a basket that will not only impress the recipient, but amaze them as well.
World of Hampers has recently collaborated with a supplier, which means that they can not only bring you a choice of their very own beautiful signature gift baskets, but offer you a wider variety by partnering with one of their suppliers. Currently World of Hampers has a range of over 100 gift baskets and gifts covering just about any occasion.
World of Hampers signature gift baskets include but are not limited to the following:
basket gifts,
gift basket hampers,
gift baskets,
hamper gifts
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Valentines Gifts - Our Top Picks
With Valentines looming we have compiled a list of our top picks for Valentines Gifts. Most of these have been designed and crafted by very talented UK crafters.
Surprise someone you love. Open this gorgeous little heart shaped tin to reveal a matching pair of miniature glass vials each containing 3 or 4 little flowers. One for each of you. Available from Glasspirations Little Flower Range.
Sizes: Tin 10cm x 10cm - Vials 5cm Tall x 2.5cm - Price £19.00
Surprise someone you love. Open this gorgeous little heart shaped tin to reveal a matching pair of miniature glass vials each containing 3 or 4 little flowers. One for each of you. Available from Glasspirations Little Flower Range.
Sizes: Tin 10cm x 10cm - Vials 5cm Tall x 2.5cm - Price £19.00
This Cherub Figurine is made from resin and has been finished in a soft white effect giving the impression of stone or marble. Each set of 4 letters is priced and sold as a set of 4 and is available from Little Gift Corner.
Dimensions: Height 5.5cm - Price £10.99 - Free UK delivery.
This stunning gift basket comprises of bath and shower products all wrapped up in this gorgeous birdcage, which has been finished off with red roses and butterflies. If you are looking for a Valentines gift that will leave a lasting impression, then this is the one you have been looking for. Available from World of Hampers. Price £47.99 plus P&P
Birdcage Love. One of a selection of Valentine's Day cards and other products available from Kit Stoner - Independent Phoenix Trader. £1.50 for one card, or £1.20 each if you buy with a selection of 10 or more. P&P for one card is 60p; for larger quantities the standard postage charge is £2.50. I am happy to write your card on your behalf and send direct to the recipient if you want to add an air of mystery! Available from Kit Stoner - Independent Phoenix Trader
Please Note: This card perfectly compliments the Birdcage Gift Basket by World of Hampers.
We have an arrangement in place that if you purchase both we can send the card directly to
World of Hampers to include with your gift basket package. Just let us know you would like to do
this at time of purchase.
Large Teddy Bear from Hidden Treasure Gifts
Large Teddy Bear from Hidden Treasure Gifts
This cute teddy can be personalised with a message on each foot, 15 characters per foot.
(Our bear is suitable for ages 1 year and over)
Height: 30 CM
Width: 20 CM
Depth: 18 CM
£29.99 plus £3.95p+p
Hanging Heart Love Birds from Desired Gifts
Painted and decorated to your requirements, could possibly add initials or names to the two birds
10cm £3.50
20cm- £5.00
Range of triple scented Vintage Inspired Teacups & Modern cup candles using EcoSoya® Wax from Belisama Candles ~ these are a beautiful alternative to jars and are perfect as a gift for the candle lover ~ burn time's vary from around 10-35 hours depending on cup size ~ cant give exact as every cup is slightly different size to others from mini coffee cups to larger cups~ Individually priced as some are bone china and are branded ~ others are just made in China !!!! Gold Metallic Gift boxes with coloured tissue paper available separately for £4 to finish that gift off perfectl
World of Hampers would like to thank the following businesses for allowing us to showcase their products.
Little Gift Corner
Kit Stoner - Independent Phoenix Trader
Hidden Treasure Gifts
Desired Gifts
Belisama Candles
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Should Gift Baskets Be Boxed And Wrapped?
This Christmas we have been asked by some of our customers how they go about wrapping their gift basket. Some have asked for it to be boxed so that they can wrap their gift. This raised the question of whether it was a good idea to add additional wrap to your gift basket before presenting it to the recipient.
Many may argue that this is because the contents can be seen in the gift basket and there is no surprise when handing the gift over if it is not boxed and wrapped with appropriate wrapping paper. I suppose there is some sense in this, however as most gift baskets are already wrapped (albeit in clear cellophane) I do not feel there is any need for further wrapping. It is very rare that you have a very clear view of everything in the basket, and I personally feel that boxing and wrapping a gift basket spoils the overall effect when presenting the gift to the recipient.
Most gift baskets are designed to impress whoever receives it with the layout and overall finish including the bow, and I feel that by boxing and wrapping a gift basket, you detract from the first impression of your gift.
I wondered about this when I handed over the gift baskets I had made for my grandchildren. My first thought was, would they not bother with them because they could see most of what the basket contained. I need not have worried, They were so enthralled by the teasing of little bits of the inner gifts showing through, that they totally ignored the regular wrapped gifts and were intent at opening the basket to see all that it held. With reluctance and a bit of encouragement from their mother they eventually went back to open their other presents, only to dive back into their gift baskets once this was done.
If a gift basket had this effect on young children, then what effect would it have on an adult. So no I do not think that if a gift basket has been beautifully finished that it ever needs to be boxed and wrapped.
Many may argue that this is because the contents can be seen in the gift basket and there is no surprise when handing the gift over if it is not boxed and wrapped with appropriate wrapping paper. I suppose there is some sense in this, however as most gift baskets are already wrapped (albeit in clear cellophane) I do not feel there is any need for further wrapping. It is very rare that you have a very clear view of everything in the basket, and I personally feel that boxing and wrapping a gift basket spoils the overall effect when presenting the gift to the recipient.
Most gift baskets are designed to impress whoever receives it with the layout and overall finish including the bow, and I feel that by boxing and wrapping a gift basket, you detract from the first impression of your gift.
I wondered about this when I handed over the gift baskets I had made for my grandchildren. My first thought was, would they not bother with them because they could see most of what the basket contained. I need not have worried, They were so enthralled by the teasing of little bits of the inner gifts showing through, that they totally ignored the regular wrapped gifts and were intent at opening the basket to see all that it held. With reluctance and a bit of encouragement from their mother they eventually went back to open their other presents, only to dive back into their gift baskets once this was done.
If a gift basket had this effect on young children, then what effect would it have on an adult. So no I do not think that if a gift basket has been beautifully finished that it ever needs to be boxed and wrapped.
For beautiful gift baskets that do not need to be boxed and wrapped before presenting to the receiver, please visit World of Hampers
basket gifts,
gift baskets,
gift hampers,
hamper gifts
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